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When will I stop being resentful?

I have two amazing sons. I am definitely done having children yet;still, I am resentful of the pregnant women out there who strut around the mall with their big belly and cute maternity outfits. Even though my pregnancy with youngest was MUCH MUCH more normal, I still walked around daily holding my breath, waiting for the shoe to drop. I did get to walk around the mall yet I never felt like part of the "club".
I tried for 2 years and 5 IVF cycles to get pregnant. I finally basked in the joy when I found out I was pregnant with twin boys. I breathed. I felt I was home free....clearly that's not what happened.
I am bitter towards the people who tell others they are pregnant at 5 weeks and sail through the pregnancy until week 40--complaining of how big they are.
I am jealous of those who dont mark their pregnancy in weeks---holding on to the fact that they will feel better once they hit the 34th week, 36th, etc..
I have to hold my tongue to those who tell me they had a child born "early"..they then tell me by two weeks!
The women carrying multiples to term..I salute you, I'm in awe of you, and I am still extremely saddened that I could never do that. Oldest still is a twin, a surviving twin...and I know Zachary is watching down on him every day saying "way to go are doing amazing!"
