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Showing posts from November, 2011

Thank you

As Ive written in the past years, Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday. Has a lot to do with my Mom's stuffing and little do with the turkey coma felt after dinner. I took over hosting duties a few years ago and am happy to do it. However, since I took over hosting duties something has gone awry each year. First year was lack of hot water for 3 days leading into Thanksgiving. Cutting it close it got restored late Wednesday afternoon thanks to a generous delivery man and an overbearing hostess who refused to take no for an answer. Last year I burnt the inside of my oven by leaving the cooking liner in when I was self cleaning. I know, not my most brilliant moment. Cannot wait to see this year. We are down in numbers however so my cooking, prepping and table issues are few and far between. I usually like to remind myself what Im thankful for (it being THANKSgiving and all) so here we go The usual, Health and family. My amazing husband and equally amazing two sons

Monday moans

Can we just wait until the end of November to start Christmas songs, decorations and Santa's at the mall? You know you're getting old when the "oldies" station is playing 80's music. Since when does Eddie Money constitute as an oldie? Solved the sock crisis. Seamless socks. Thank you Stride Rite! My older sons favorite subject is Math. He sees things in Black and White. He doesnt really like to watch much TV. Who is this kid? I forget what its like sometimes to be a grown up. I was reminded this weekend when I actually spent two nights out. TWO! Makeup, hair blown dry, my "good" jeans, heels.  Friends, parties and wine.  I remembered how to do a grown up. I remembered how to have a conversation that didnt end in a tantrum and I remembered how to have a full conversation without using the word mommy or daddy. Look at me all grown up! Then of course Sunday morning came around. ...

I married a Penn Stater

I am a mother of two young boys I am not a Penn State Alumni I did marry one however. As a Mother, I am saddened and disgusted for the crimes that were committed to these young boys (now men) The pain and torture they have been living with for all this time is unimaginable to me. I think of my six and eight year old sons and tears fill my eyes. Their innocence was taken away by an awful man. Last night I was awoken and saw Dear Husband watching ESPN. "What's going on?" I asked groggily. "They just fired Paterno" Earier that day I had voiced my opinon to my very devoted Penn State husband as well as to his equally devoted PSU friends. Joe Paterno did not commit a crime. He didnt follow up enough. He is a coach, a mentor, a father figure to so many at Penn State. He had an obligation as that role model to follow up. He didnt. It's terrible that he didnt. Think all you want of the man but he was not the molester.  So now all day long I am reading articl

Six year old mania

Yesterdays 8AM tantrum was over socks. This isnt a new topic but on a Saturday AM when I wasnt feeling well, it was the last thing I wanted to hear. I dont like these socks I dont like these socks either; they tickle. I wish I could wear crocs all the time Today's tantrum is over not wanting to go to the aquarium Really? What kind tantrums over going someplace fun? What? You dont have a kid who cries and screams when their parents tell them they can go into Boston, have lunch in Fanueil Hall and then spend the afternoon at the aquarium? Yes, this is my weekend, My life My kid He's cute as can be. Funny too. Often very sweet But omg the kid tantrums over everything! Did I mention he is six? As each year passes by I keep thinking next year will get better? Terrible Two's? Ha, they had nothing on the Tantruming Threes. Four years old; certainly life will get better. No, frustrating fours Ferocious Fives See me I tantrum over everything sixes Cant wai

Enough said

Seriously considering moving to Florida Or Atlanta Or anywhere South of New England. A place that doesnt have Snow. Or much of a Winter. Really not a fan. October 28th and the Northeast gets hit w a snow storm. Enough that it blows out power for days and postpones Halloween in our town. Yes, you read it right. Halloween is now on Nov 3rd this year. In our town anyways. Kids actually handled it fairly well. Of course I avoided the tantrum by immediately bribing youngest with extra candy and dinner at Bertucci's instead. Who could argue with bribery? Day 12 post op and feeling kind of crappy. Was better week one. Maybe because all I did then was lie in bed. I now venture out. Nothing major other than driving boys to school, speech therapy, etc but clearly thats enough to put me into major cramping mode and sheer and utter exhaustion. UTTER EXHAUSTION! Am fed up with hearing about Kim Kardashian's 72 day marriage although I admit that I watched 4 hours of Keeping up w