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Showing posts from August, 2008

Brighter days ahead?

I feel extremely guilty for thinking this yet alone writing it down but..I'm bored at home with my kids. There. I said it. It's out there for the world to know. Being a stay at home Mom is NOT easy. Pre-children I dreamed of being a SAHM (that's stay at home Mom for those not following along) I thought my days would be spent oohing and aahing over my beautiful children, strolls through the neighborhood, mommy and me classes, play dates, etc..Sure, they do consist of all that along with MANY other joys like tantrums, fights, potty training, trips to therapies, trying to get my tube fed child to eat, non-napping days, and yes...more trips to therapies. I often get tired of reading the same books, doing the same puzzles, singing the same songs. Am I a terrible Mother? I tried for so long to have my children and went through hell and back to get here..and here I am, counting the days until school starts and I will have a whole 2 hrs to myself 4 mornings a week! I'm sure t

Husband vs a seven year old

We took the boys to the park yesterday. This is a great park but not in our town (for the sake of the town, I wont name it bc I'm about to bash it) The town is a prestigious one. Wealthy people, gorgeous homes, great school system and along with that goes some snobbish and arrogant people. The boys love this park so they were having fun running around, climbing up the ladder and excited to go down some big slides. Until the bully stopped them. The seven (?) year old bully who was there with his sister and two friends. The mothers were at the bottom of the structure but hardly paying attention as to what was going on. First, youngest wanted to go down the slide. Bully was blocking him. Youngest looked at me for guidance so I suggested that he say excuse me. Bully says what? I didn't understand "excoooz me" (Youngest  is just 3, forgive me bully that my son doesn't speak as eloquently as you do) Bully didn't move. I speak up, loud enough for the mothers to he

Youngest in 15 more years..

need I say more?

Mother of the year

It's Monday morning. We spent the wkend in NYC, had a 4+ hr drive home with a cranky 3 year old and Dear Husband is traveling for two days which he NEVER does. I'm a little thrown off this morning. I had a PTO meeting and it ended at 1140AM. I came home figuring I had another 40 minutes till I picked up the boys from camp. I checked email, threw another load of laundry in, made the boys lunch. 12:10, I decided I would leave to get..... SHIT!! 12:10!! Yes, camp ended 10 minutes ago. I for some reason had in my head 1230. Thankfully I'm a 2 minute drive away and got there to see my two boys being wheeled around in the wagon by their amazing teachers. I apologized countless of times. Youngest seemed a little perturbed that I was late and oldest did give me the cold shoulder for a second or two. Otherwise, all is forgiven. Forgetting what time your kids get out of camp...I know, mother of the year!