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Showing posts from August, 2012

Wednesday woes

Why do my children feel the need to tell me when they're going to the bathroom? Without fail, two minutes after my youngest goes to bed he comes out of his room to tell me his eye itches, needs a bandaid, is wheezing (really he isnt), needs a glass of water or has to go to poop even though I asked him 5 minutes prior. I learned that the secret to parenting is structure. My boys do not do well with down time. Oldest is going into third grade. This terrifies me because soon he is going to be asking me math questions that I wont know the answer to. I still get the baby urge. Until I nudge my dog away because she wants too much attention and realize I wouldnt be good at the baby phase again. I often throw out my childrens' art things without them knowing and then play dumb when they ask where they are. I admit Ive gone to IKEA just for the free babysitting.

Youngest child causing me agina

I really cant complain (yet; I will) The boys had 8 weeks of summer camp 8 weeks of being out of the house from 9-4 Someone else was entertaining them, teaching them to swim, keeping them busy. It was; without a doubt, heaven. They have now been out of camp for 2 days. 2 days and already I have pullen my hair out, swore at them (okay not a real swear word but g-d damned comes close enough), have lost my cool on more than one occasion, broken up 15 arguments, and listened to my 7 year old whine, scream, tantrum, cry, throw and be defiant. SEVEN YEARS OLD! At three I said that he had nothing on the terrible two's. At four I swore it was  phase-he was transitioning out of naps after all At five when he still refused to poop on a toilet I said he was just strong willed. It will serve him well in adult hood. He then became six and I thought for sure he was just picking up this attitude at school. After all, this couldnt be ongoing, could it? Alas, here he is, seven years