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Showing posts from October, 2011

Another one bites the dust

So another one of my female body parts has bit the dust. This one was semi elective but still... said goodbye to my uterus (and cervix!) the other day. Was done having kids. Was causing me endometriosis Didnt need it any longer Avoiding any chance of uterine or cervical cancer Sure..take it out. I wasnt very nervous about the surgery itself but was worried about the aftermath. Admittedly, a few days of bed rest sounded heavenly to me. I got a bunch of magazines ready, a book and had already looked ahead at all the bad TV I could watch. What could be so bad? Anaesthesia and I have never been besties so was really not looking forward to the dry heaving I knew I was in store for on day one. Still, I met with Dr Anaesthesia prior to surgery and he assured me he would give me all the good stuff. I tried to have confidence. However, after three attempts of nurses trying to get my IV in (I warned them I had crappy veins. I used to have great veins. I blame it on five rounds

Make new friends...

I was once told "Small kids. Small problems. Bigger kids. Bigger problems" Words to live by Except when my kid was small I had big problems but that's besides the point. Oldest just had a playdate with a boy who says he is his bff. It warmed my heart to no end. Someone thinks my son is his bff. Now this may be no big deal to many of you. Kids have friends. Kids have lots of bff's and will continue to have many different bff's as they grow older. Except my son has had so many obstacles in life I really wasnt sure he would connnect with true friends. But he did And he has And here is, having a playdate with someone. They are giggling and laughing and playing games together. Oldest initiated play This is huge for my son. He is not only shy but has had issues in his life that has put him in the socially immature category for a while. But I think he has caught up some. And this gives me so much pleasure I cant begin to express. Some worry about t

That's Fresh!

Youngest likes to whine whenever he is told "NO" which then turns into a tantrum and crocodile tears He is six Shouldnt we be over this? His fresh behavior is making me want to drink wine straight from the bottle I know Ive turned into my mother when I use the word fresh when it pertains to behavior and not produce It hasnt been a fun few days. Makes me scream a lot Makes me realize I need therapy or to start taking up yoga To boot, Im having surgery in a few weeks. To take care of endometriosis but they decided to do a whole kit n'kaboodle while theyre in there so a total hysterectomy is also on the books. Good times. When I asked what recovery was like the nurse tells me after a few weeks I should be up and walking but will be fatigued. "You'll feel like you want to take a nap in the middle of the day" Huh- should be no different than how I feel on a daily basis Yup, that's how this Mom of two rolls yelling and in need of daily