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Make new friends...

I was once told
"Small kids. Small problems.
Bigger kids. Bigger problems"

Words to live by
Except when my kid was small I had big problems but that's besides the point.

Oldest just had a playdate with a boy who says he is his bff.
It warmed my heart to no end.
Someone thinks my son is his bff.
Now this may be no big deal to many of you. Kids have friends. Kids have lots of bff's and will continue to have many different bff's as they grow older.

Except my son has had so many obstacles in life I really wasnt sure he would connnect with true friends.
But he did
And he has
And here is, having a playdate with someone.
They are giggling and laughing and playing games together.
Oldest initiated play
This is huge for my son.
He is not only shy but has had issues in his life that has put him in the socially immature category for a while.
But I think he has caught up some.
And this gives me so much pleasure I cant begin to express.

Some worry about their kid making the baseball team or getting an A on his Math test. I worry about the simple things.
Making friends
Maybe thats not so simple after all?

Now that I have two children in Elementary School we, as parents, are all out there making new friends.
To me, it feels like high school all over again.
Who's the "in"crowd?
Who do I want to hang out with?

I'm a lot more secure with myself at 43 than I was at 16.
I like to get involved (I never wanted to get involved back then)
I like to be nice to everyone (Not sure I was bitchy but am pretty sure I wasnt nice to everyone)

So, we grow
and we mature
and we handle things differently
and we become Mom's and worry about all the things that we had to deal with as children.

And I'm not so sure they shouldnt re-write the quote to read:

"Small Children. Big Problems
Big Children. Bigger Problems"
