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Another one bites the dust

So another one of my female body parts has bit the dust.
This one was semi elective but still...

said goodbye to my uterus (and cervix!) the other day.
Was done having kids.
Was causing me endometriosis
Didnt need it any longer
Avoiding any chance of uterine or cervical cancer

Sure..take it out.

I wasnt very nervous about the surgery itself but was worried about the aftermath.
Admittedly, a few days of bed rest sounded heavenly to me.
I got a bunch of magazines ready, a book and had already looked ahead at all the bad TV I could watch.
What could be so bad?
Anaesthesia and I have never been besties so was really not looking forward to the dry heaving I knew I was in store for on day one.
Still, I met with Dr Anaesthesia prior to surgery and he assured me he would give me all the good stuff.
I tried to have confidence.
However, after three attempts of nurses trying to get my IV in (I warned them I had crappy veins. I used to have great veins. I blame it on five rounds of IVF cycles and loads of blood draws in between). Once a giant hematoma started to form on my left arm, my confidence of Dr Drugs decreased.
Still, I was wheeled off, slowly fading into lala land, kissing dear husband goodbye and awoke asking if I still had two ovaries
(Phew, I did. It was the plan but if one looked like crap it was to be removed)

So two ovaries and two less female body parts all within two hour time span.
And then the nausea and fun began.
I was home within 7 hours (amazing that a surgery that used to land women in the hospital for a week was sending me home hours later with a bunch of percocet in hand)

The pain was similar to my two prior c sections so I didnt complain much
Other than I was sick as a dog
And other than I had the largest bruise on my arm that made me look like a victim of domestic violence.

Im now on Day 4 and am feeling pretty well.
Had a minor trip to the ER for some odd, slight bleeding but none the wearier (other than a $150 ER bill that Im sure will show up shortly in my mailbox)
Oh, and Im tired
I mean, really tired.
So tired that I nap every few hours.
Makes it hard when you re a Mom to do this but thankfully dear husband has been around the whole time making my Mommy duties a lot easier.
Actually non existent (thank you husband. I love you more than you know)

So, turns out I married a great guy
He doesnt care that I have one less boob and no female organ
Loves me just the same

Now that's marriage!
