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Showing posts from February, 2020

worry wart

Enough. I cannot get away from it. We all know I came out of the womb worrying so please stop the madness so I can get on with my regularly scheduled worrying. I am scheduled to go on a Spring cruise. We love to cruise. I realize it's not for everyone and some think it's 7 days being spent in a giant petri dish. We care to think of it as 7 days spent unplugged and forgetting about who is running our country but you know potato pah- tah- toe. I realize people think if I go on a cruise I may be stuck there for 43 1/2 days and to be totally honest, that semi worries me too. Which is no shocker. Because as I previously mentioned, born worrier. But it's getting a bit crazy. There is talk from people who do not know what they are talking about. There is talk from people who do know what they are talking about telling us all not to panic. So what do we do? We panic. I get it. It's scary shit. I am the first to admit that I will be packing loads of lys

Eat the frosting first

Another friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with cancer. I'm not sure what's up with the 40's and 50's but these years can be gut wrenching. If I'm not worrying about my teens I'm worrying about friends and loved ones getting cancer and having heart attacks. It's no wonder I do not sleep. So I told my friend that the club sucks but there's one thing you get out of it- you feel the love. People you love show up in forces and people you don't even know become new lifelong friends It's awesome. And kinda sad. Does it take cancer to show the love? I don't need a baked ziti on a random Sunday but you know what I do need? A random text with a funny memory and a stupid meme that will make me laugh. A"thinking of you today and wanted you to know" email. A hug (like you mean it) next time we cross paths. I get it. Our lives take over. We are caught up in work, moody children,  aging parents, toilets need clean


We ALL have crap in our lives. Of course there is stuff that is more serious than others. Cancer vs potty training. 40 year old having a heart attack vs negative nelly daughter. Loss of a job vs teenager experimenting with pot. There is stuff that keeps us up at night and then there is REAL stuff that keeps us up at night. In the big scheme of things, some of it we will look back upon and (hopefully) laugh. I have sons. I know they are a different species than daughters. For the obvious reasons and for some of the not so obvious. We have drama sometimes. But it's usually short lived. There are no tears (unless they are mine from wanting to pull my hair out). Emotions usually don't get high (umm, okay, unless it's me) They do not talk my ear off (as much as I BEG them to sometimes) and for the most part, I have survived 16 years fairly unscathed. I know that this is not always the case and believe you me, I am not claiming to be mother of the year. Bec

Things that make me go hmm

I now go to sleep before my children. People who exit a bathroom stall should be required to tell you there is no toilet paper left. And while we are at it, whose bright idea was it to make the bathroom stall doors open inward? I do not understand google docs, snapchat or tik tok.  I barely knew one name at the Grammy's and had to google if Billie Eilish was a male or female. The Duggars, "Teen Mom" and all things Kardashian need to stop making any kind of headline. I talk to my friends about This is Us, A Million Little Things, and Greys Anatomy characters like I used to discuss Days of our Lives "back in the day". I get anxiety when my kids ask me homework questions that aren't related to creative writing or literature. Boys think farts are funny no matter how old they are. Remember when airplanes had smoking and non smoking sections? Like you wouldn't smell the smoke in row 14 vs the cut off in row 15? I am the crazy person who checks