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Eat the frosting first

Another friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with cancer.
I'm not sure what's up with the 40's and 50's but these years can be gut wrenching.

If I'm not worrying about my teens I'm worrying about friends and loved ones getting cancer and having heart attacks.
It's no wonder I do not sleep.

So I told my friend that the club sucks but there's one thing you get out of it- you feel the love.
People you love show up in forces and people you don't even know become new lifelong friends

It's awesome.
And kinda sad.

Does it take cancer to show the love?

I don't need a baked ziti on a random Sunday but you know what I do need?
A random text with a funny memory and a stupid meme that will make me laugh.
A"thinking of you today and wanted you to know" email.
A hug (like you mean it) next time we cross paths.

I get it.

Our lives take over.
We are caught up in work,
moody children,
 aging parents,
toilets need cleaning,
"This is Us "needs to be binging.

But if I've said it once, I've said it ad nauseam.
Life is short.
And maybe you don't get that yet because you haven't been told you have cancer.
Or you are at risk for a heart attack.
Or you have a debilitating disease.

So you think you have oodles of time.
And bless you.
Seriously, it's wonderful you have not been walking the "life is short" tight rope.

But do not wait for the walk!

Start today.
Reach out to your bestie and let em' know you love them.
Hug a little longer.
Breathe deeper.
Let the toilet go another day (but not too long because then that gross pee smell takes over)

And of course
eat the frosting first my friends.

Love to my village.
Thanks for being here
