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worry wart

I cannot get away from it.
We all know I came out of the womb worrying so please stop the madness so I can get on with my regularly scheduled worrying.

I am scheduled to go on a Spring cruise.
We love to cruise.
I realize it's not for everyone and some think it's 7 days being spent in a giant petri dish.

We care to think of it as 7 days spent unplugged and forgetting about who is running our country but you know
potato pah- tah- toe.

I realize people think if I go on a cruise I may be stuck there for 43 1/2 days and to be totally honest,
that semi worries me too.
Which is no shocker.
Because as I previously mentioned, born worrier.

But it's getting a bit crazy.

There is talk from people who do not know what they are talking about.
There is talk from people who do know what they are talking about telling us all not to panic.

So what do we do?
We panic.

I get it.
It's scary shit.
I am the first to admit that I will be packing loads of lysol crap with me if the cruise does not get cancelled.
And I will definitely give sideways glances to people coughing, sneezing or breathing.

But I must live my life.

This is what I've learned in my 51 3/4 years of worrying.

It gets you nowhere.

I worry about things that are never going to happen.
And if they do happen the worrying really was not very helpful.

Because I actually do quite well in crisis mode.
I've learned this about me.

Bring it.

Sick baby on a ventilator with a trach inserted?
I GOT THIS. Turn house into medical facility (not literally) (but practically)

Cancer and need a mastectomy?
Take the boob. Save my life.

Cancer came back even though you don't have said boob anymore?
Of course it did. It's how I roll.
Take my hair. Take my fake breast.
(Could you have NOT taken the freaking 20 lbs?)

This is the point.
I survived.
I somehow got through tragedy and heartache.
I somehow managed to get up the next day (well sometimes I didn't actually get up other than to pee but clearly, eventually, I got up)

I kept going.

Worrying gets me nowhere.
I try to remind myself of this when I'm not sleeping at 1:33AM worrying about where my 14 year old will end up at college or who will my 16 year old go to the prom with.
(Because this is 2 and 4 years away so clearly 1:33AM is a GREAT time to start thinking about this stuff.)

So, corona virus.

Can we prepare?
Yes. I suppose we can.
We can stock our basements with purell and toilet paper and lysol wipes and canned goods and ban chinese food and never leave our homes.

Or we can go back to our regularly scheduled programs.

 I refuse to let this overtake me and consume my day.

Because I have college and prom to worry about!
