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Showing posts from April, 2011

Mother's Day

In 2004, 9 months after oldest son was born, I celebrated my first Mother's Day. I remember being in my house, surrounded by my parents and inlaws, holding my 9 month old child, and crying. Tears of Joy of course. I had tried for so long to have a child. It had been a long year medically and emotionally yet the end result was there, in my arms. I knew that from there on out, Mother's Day would be my new favorite holiday (tying very closely with Thanksgiving!) So as Mother's Day approaches (I will be sailing on the seas during this time) I reflect on what it means to be a Mom. I think about all the patience that goes into this 24/7 Mom role All of the nurturing, educating, teaching, sharing, playing... So today's post is dedicated to my Mom. My Mom who says the teen years were the hardest years with me. My Mom who I never thought I would voluntarily be calling 4 times a day. My Mom who told me that when I was an adult, no one would ask what my SAT scores were in High Sch

Sunday Somethings

I cant believe I'm seriously contemplating getting a dog. A goldendoodle to be exact. Im already in love and haven't met it yet. My youngest son is honestly one of the funniest people I know I'm more anal retentive than I even care to admit It frightens me sometimes And exhausts me Ive slacked on Weight Watchers and am complaining I'm up 2 lbs. What can I expect when chocolate isnt part of a food group? I'm afraid to say it out loud but I actually think Spring may have sprung I have a pretty great husband Great family And the worlds best friends

Old friends

Being a grown up and meeting new friends is a lot easier than when in High School. But then again, it often feels like High School. Friendships have already been formed in your town so as a newcomer to the scene, its often difficult to squeeze your way in. If you're child's part of a group or sport, you can bond with the fellow moms. If you're involved in the school PTO, you meet others that way. Or you may just meet a friend during drop off at school. When your kids are young, you usually meet friends, ...through your children. Sometimes its great. Sometimes its not. But there's nothing like an old friend. A friend who's known you through braces and breakups Through the awkward teen years and through your single days. The friend who knew you before you had kids. Last weekend I spent a night with old friends. We laughed, we hung out as couples but we remained tight through the years because we were childhood friends. There's a comfort There's a familiarity