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Mother's Day

In 2004, 9 months after oldest son was born, I celebrated my first Mother's Day. I remember being in my house, surrounded by my parents and inlaws, holding my 9 month old child, and crying.
Tears of Joy of course.
I had tried for so long to have a child.
It had been a long year medically and emotionally yet the end result was there, in my arms.
I knew that from there on out, Mother's Day would be my new favorite holiday (tying very closely with Thanksgiving!)

So as Mother's Day approaches (I will be sailing on the seas during this time) I reflect on what it means to be a Mom.
I think about all the patience that goes into this 24/7 Mom role
All of the nurturing, educating, teaching, sharing, playing...

So today's post is dedicated to my Mom.
My Mom who says the teen years were the hardest years with me.
My Mom who I never thought I would voluntarily be calling 4 times a day.
My Mom who told me that when I was an adult, no one would ask what my SAT scores were in High School.
The woman who stood by me during my trying teen years.
The woman who taught me to be the woman I am today. She taught me independence and strength.
The woman who listened to me cry on lonely Saturday Nights; pre husband days.

My Mom took me to a spa on my 30th birthday so I wouldnt be depressed.
She planned my dream wedding beyond my wildest expectations.
She listened to me cry after trying and trying to conceive a child.
And when I did conceive a child (twin boys which landed me six weeks in the hosptial) she came to visit me every single day.
She brought me magazines and corned beef sandwiches from Barry's Deli
She sat and watched Oprah with me and held my hand during many panic attacks.
She cried with me over the loss of Zachary and spent many hours with me by Jared's isolette in the NICU.
When I'm sad, she is sad.
She feels my feelings.

I never quite got that.
Until I became a Mom myself.
I never quite got how much love is inside of you and how your children are your everything. Your every living, breathing moment.

So to all that went into motherhood when I was young
and to all that she still does for me as grown woman
I dedicate my Mom today

I love you
