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Showing posts from May, 2011

Puppy love

Wilsey entered out lives last Saturday I've been reliving the infancy days (without the diapers) Sleepless nights crying when needing to pee baby gates back up in my house however this one can walk and like my other two children;...pretty darned cute

Just another week in the life of a crazed mother

Day before Disney Cruise oldest gets a nasty cold The kind where green snot comes pouring out of your nose when you sneeze We find this out on the plane to Orlando To the woman seated in the same aisle as oldest...sorry! Dear Husband runs around Orlando Hyatt Hotel looking for cold medicine at 10pm. Comes back with Claritin. Closest find. Day one on cruise the snot isnt as often so I'm thankful. Great time. Great weather For the most part, very behaved children Then I come home... 5 loads of laundry (day one) Last minute decision to get puppy two months earlier than expected (Wilsey, the most adorable goldendoodle ever) Puppy proofing the home before Saturday Youngest spikes a fever an hour before we are to go out to a surprise 40th for a dear friend Shove motrin down him and ask amazing babysitter 100 times if she is comfortable taking care of him (after youngest assurres me he wants me to leave) Fever gone Monday. So I send to school. Think Im out of the woods. But Im not Tuesday

Monday Madness

Spent the weekend in NYC with BFF and old camp friends reunited for dinner. It was a fun, carefree 48 hours. 5 minutes after reuniting with my boys (who I missed!) reality set in. I was back in my sweats and baseball hat heading grocery shopping, breaking up arguments between oldest and youngest and was yelling "stop whining" on the 4 hour car ride home. Nothing like my peaceful train ride solo into the city. Speaking of train rides, I put myself in the "quiet car" unbeknown st to me but totally fine. It was nice to hear nothing but the turning of pages from a book. Until the woman next to me huffed and puffed when the non English speaking woman behind us got on her cell phone. Apparently she didnt know the "quiet car" also pertained to cell phones. She glared and sighed, wrestled her newspaper pages and finally got up to yell "no cell phones allowed"! Pleasant to sit next to; really! Woman in front of me decided it may be a nice quiet time to pa