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Whining, whining and more...whining

I have raised a mini me. My three year old son looks exactly like my husband but personality wise...he is his mother. Stubborn, strong willed, loves to have his own way and, did I mention stubborn?
Yesterday I volunteered in youngest's preschool class. I thought he would love having me there. Not the case. Since the day I told him I was going he complained saying he wanted to go to school all by himself. Like I was cramping his style at 3. I'm a cool Mom. I don't dress totally weird and I promised not to give him kisses in public. Still..he resisted to my going. I went. After all, it's my duty to start embarrassing my kids at a young age isn't it? He barely acknowledged me although was not happy that I sat next to someone else at circle time. The 45 minutes went by quickly and he seemed to recover from my being there. Until it was time to go home. He demanded McDonald's. As he has, practically every day for the past week. I blame it on our trip to NYC where we stopped at the Golden Arches TWICE. (After all, there needs to be some bribery on a 4 hour car ride) Needless to say, there was no McDonald's and he even went to nap without lunch because he refused to eat anything I mentioned. I thought he was just having an off day. Until today. When it happened again. More whining. More attitude. More wanting his own way. He crashed 25 minutes after getting home from school. I'm sensing a pattern. It's been about 5 weeks of school now and I think his little 3 yr old body is just trying to adjust to this new schedule of his. After all, preschool can be exhausting!
