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My School Vacation Week

Isn't it funny how when we were kids school vacation never seemed long enough and now I feel that it's been an endless week. Maybe because my "week off" started the day prior with two sick boys (for a change) Both with ear infections and Youngest is off to have his adenoids out on Tuesday. It would've been nice if I could have had a child who avoided anesthesia before the ripe age of five.

Youngest has turned into a menace. Like Dennis the Menace (whatever happened to good shows like that? Now they're naming their kids Caillou and Diego) So far this week he has washed his hands with toothpaste, unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper onto the bathroom floor (all while standing stark naked), took scotch tape and proceeded to tape up all of his brothers toys and our heater,put glue stick on the fridge and lastly, colored on the table at the doctor's office at Children's Hospital today. That one I cant really blame him for as we were waiting an hour to be seen and then there another whole hour. Thank goodness for Au Bon Pain's bagels for lunch.

Im feeling achy which is no shock given my week of ill children, drs visits and what little patience I have left.

Im thankful for the playdates I've managed to squeeze in as it's been the only adult interaction I've had all week. Kudos also to my husband who gives me time on the wkends to have ME time.

I better stop blogging. I hear running water and lots of laughing downstairs followed by oldest saying "NO , THAT'S NOT OKAY"
