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A crappy week

It's been a crappy week.
Or a really bad Seinfeld episode.

Take your pick

Had a bad cold which I was pretty confident was going to turn into a sinus infection.
24 hours later I had a sinus infection. I know this because I felt like I wanted to rip my teeth out.
I couldn't move but dragged myself and my kids into the doctor, ready to beg for drugs.

She suggested doing a nasal swab for the flu.
Sure, why not
Didnt realize the swab was going to feel like the insides of your nose were being ripped out

24 hours later; confirmed Influenza A (the bad kind of flu. Although not really sure there is a good kind of flu)
And then I didnt leave my bed.

Was supposed to go to NYC with dear husband and children. One night at the inlaws, one night at the NY Palace hotel--a night away with no kids, a good dinner, a getaway.

Not meant to be.

Dear Husband went because I didnt want him here while I'm breathing swine flu around the house.

In the meantime, my cat of 15 years is sick.
She has become skin and bones and hasnt been eating.
The call to the Vet makes me guilt ridden and I get my sick self out of bed to bring her in.
Where they then send me to Emergency at Angell Memorial Hospital because she is too sick for them.
I knew what was next.

My cat was in kidney failure and had a heart murmur.

I'm not a cat person
I never was and probably never really will be.
Except for Codie.
I was a cat person with Codie.
Because I got her from a shelter at Angell Memorial in 1995. I was single, lonely, needing some lovin.

Codie has been through it all with me.
Lonely Saturday Nights
Heartaches and heartbreaks
2 houses
A marriage
2 kids
IVF cycles
Breast Cancer
My Dad....

Making the decision to put her to sleep was horrific.
I was on the phone to dear husband countless times, crying and unsure I was making the right decision.

For you animal lovers out there, you get where I'm coming from.
She was my first pet.
My only pet.
I loved her.

My boys dont know yet and youngest will be devastated.
They adored each other.

15 years of my life flashed before my eyes as I watched her...

It's been a crappy week.
A really crappy week.
