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I said I love you, and that's forever..

After checking on my boys (as Ive done every night for the past 8+ years  before I crawl into bed) I say to Dear Husband, "Im so in love with them"
"Thats because theyre sleeping" he replies.

Well true.
They are absoloutely delightful to look at when theyre sleeping as they are not fighting, whining, or talking back.
Yet, I am sure I am pretty completely in love with them even when they are awake.

Its true that Motherhood changes you completely.
Me- for the better.
I am 100% positive (okay, 99.9%) that I am a different person because of my two sons.
Especially oldest.
I am a more thoughtful, tolerant, accepting and patient (kinda) person because of all that I have gone through.
All that he has gone through.
All that we have gone through as a family.

Driving home the other day my wedding song came on the radio.
Billy Joel's "Just the way you are".
It was a no brainer that would be our song. Both huge Billy fans and the words were loving.
Yet who knew that 11 years later they would resonate so.

"I would not leave you, in times of trouble, we never couldve come this far
I'll take the good times
I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are"

And then, there I was, 1:00PM in the afternoon on 128 crying as if my first boyfriend just told me he loved me.
I, at that moment, fell instantly in love with my husband all over again.
In 11 years of marriage we have gone through so much
A lot of crap
A lot of hard times that shouldnt happen to anyone
And a lot of laughs and joys
Mostly laughs and joys

So as I looked at my two boys sleeping
I was so completely and totally in love with them
because they are a product of my marriage
Of two people who starting out, didnt know  what the future held

but are doing pretty well!

love to my wonderful husband
