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Btich,bitch, bitch

I'm kind of bitchy.
You may not say it if you met me (or maybe you would) but I think I really am kinda bitchy.
Im not sure I was always this way.
But in my old age, I complain..a lot.
I complain about my health (not the big stuff like Breast Cancer but the annoyances like migraines, my aching knees, my bad back, my jaw pain, the bags under my eyes, the marks on my skin, the 15 lbs I've been wanting to shed since my oldest was born....ok, wow, I really do complain a lot)
or I complain about people I know
or people I dont really know.
I complain all the time to my husband about characters on TV that annoy me.
Really? This is what Im wasting my time complaining about? Bad TV?
I complain about the "friends" I have on facebook.
I complain about facebook yet I'm glued to it. Mostly because I play scrabble on it 24/7 but I do still lurk and read what people say and then complain about the fact they are writing about what they are having for dinner.

I'm cynical
and bitchy
yet maybe not outright
only to the selected few

oh how lucky you selected few are!! 
