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My oldest son is outside playing w a friend from school.
Tossing a football around.
With a friend
Did I mention this already?

It's because I honestly never thought I would see such normalcy.
He has friends- real honest to good friends (who are seriously such great kids I wish I could clone them)
As Ive mentioned countless times I'm nauseous from reading it but oldest had/has so many issues that everything has been a struggle.
Seriously- E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
Except being loving and sweet- that; he's a natural at.
And so the fact that other boys his age want to friend him and see that he is seriously a funny, great, nice kid just warms my heart.
It warms my heart so much I just want to tell all these mothers how much I adore their kids.
But I dont want to get all psycho-stalky on them so I'll just write it here.
These kids, these friends of his, they aren't rah rah sports 24/7
They aren't bullies or mean or fresh
They aren't super competitive
They are nice honest to good natured kids.
And its not that Im really amazed my son has friends. I knew the time would come it's just that he entered school barely talking to anyone. Barely looking at anyone. Barely toilet trained, barely eating, barely knowing how to write.
And now-
third grade
speaking out in class
raising his hand!
huge- huge milestones for us (okay for him but I've been around for the ride so I include myself)

As I've said (over and over and over) life was so hard at the beginning.
Really hard
Really crappy, and tiring, and exahusting and filled with appointments and therapists and drs and hospitals and hospital admissions and more therapists.
And although he is almost 10, and we still have therapists and appointments...we have less now.
We have a bit more of a life.
We have a bit less stress.
We still have challenges..plenty- but life is different.
Life is now my kid having a playdate with a really good friend while playing football in our front yard.
Life is really good this very second
