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No diet diet

 Forward ahead or skip altogether this read if you are someone who is naturally fit, loves the gym, or has never dieted.

The rest of you; feel free to join me in the first ever (first ever for me) no diet diet.

For over the better part of 20 years (and when I say 20 I really mean 35), I have been dieting.  And if Im not dieting, I'm complaining.

 To whoever will listen -that I cannot lose weight. 

Or that I'm fat.

Or that I need to be 20lbs thinner.

PLEASE do not email me or comment that I CAN lose weight because I know clearly that I could. I just haven't. (And really I'm not so sure that I CAN on these freakin cancer meds but that's here nor there)

(And menopause DOES NOT HELP)

So yes, daily I hop on the scale, cry when it goes up, or celebrate when it goes down. 

And then lather, rinse and repeat. 

20 (35) years; I kid you not.

So after thinking, reflecting, and chatting with BFF I decided- no diet diet. 

I'm done. Goodbye Jenny, Marie Osmond, Oprah, Rob Lowe and all you other people who tell me I can do it. 

Goodbye no sugar, no carbs, keto, high protein,  5 square meals a day of chocolate (not a thing??).

I've wasted so so so much time and energy on feeling shitty about myself.

 I wake up feeling ugly and fat. I go to sleep feeling like I should've done better. Tomorrow I will do better.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I turn 53 next week (I know, this totally must be a typo right?), but it's true. And I am who I am. 

I have a great husband, two fantabulous sons, the cutest dog known to man kind, I survived cancer twice and a pandemic.  It's time to start living. 

It's time to stop feeling crappy about myself. 

This doesn't mean I'm going down aisle 8 and picking up every bag of cookies and throwing away the apples but it does mean I'm just not going to focus my entire being anymore on my 20lbs. 

It is EXHAUSTING. And quite frankly, I have no doubt my husband is tired of hearing about it. 

And the best part of the no diet diet? 

No fees. No pre packaged foods. No counting calories. 

You just live. 

Eat your greens. Eat you fruits. Balance yourself. But I'm here to scream from the rooftop enough is enough is enough is enough. 

I am so done! 

I write this while eating my apple and drinking my water. 

Im not going to go all rogue I'm just trying to not make this my daily focus. 

Who's in?


  1. Honestly, every scientific study has shown that you can't lose weight. The average from any diet is 5% of the people keep some of the weight off a year after the diet. And they average ONLY THREE POUNDS LESS. All the 'winners' of The Big Loser (is that the name? I didn't watch the tv show) have regained their weight. Sigh...
    But a lot of money is to be made by diet companies. So it continues and continues and continues.
    And, you probably could go buy every cookie in the cookie aisle at the store --- knowing you have them at home and could eat some any time you want would likely mean you wouldn't eat them. Diet Culture makes us crave them more.
    BTW have you read The Obesity Myth? Published in 2004 it might seem out of date, but it has some good insights.
    ENJOY that wonderful life of yours!


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