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Dear senior parent

 Hey Senior High school Parents,

Considering I was in your shoes last year at this time (and I’m in the same shoes this year), I now call myself an expert.
I’ve actually always been an expert in worrying, over worrying, over analyzing and waiting for things to happen; that probably will not happen , but now I totally excel at this.

So I’m here to help you out.

The daily 9-15 brochures, letters and flyers your senior is getting in the mail each day most likely could wallpaper your bathroom. Ours go directly into recycle however one came the other day from a college I didn’t know that caught my eye.
 It said “ Dear Student Name, blah blah blah, small class size, blah blah blah, beautiful campus, blah blah ..” it made me laugh.
Because this is what all that mail looks like. It’s unlikely you’re going to find a school by the mail that you want to check out all of a sudden but the blah blah blah school totally gets my vote for creativity. 

I’m guessing by now your senior has a few colleges on their list.
 Or maybe they want to take a gap year. Technical school. Community college. Or no college at all.

It’s all fine. Take a deep breath….
and then don’t exhale until June. 

Just kidding.
Exhale now.

It’s a lot to take in. 
Especially the college route.

Essays, common app, test optional, test blind, supplemental essays, early this or early that, deferred vs waitlisted, and the coveted college visits sponsored by planes trains and automobiles. 

Nothing beats a road trip to upstate New York, in a blizzard, to stay at your local Holiday Inn. 
How about the 30 hour weekend trip down south with the 8 hour plane delay to add a little fun to the stress? 
Local college visit totaling 2 hours- sign me up.

Your senior is working on a resume, AP classes, sports, theatre or debate club, studying for SAT, after school job, all while trying to squeeze in a trip to Dunks.

Us parents are trying to bite our tongues, not nag, not ask questions, not comment or look at them funny-as we are quietly tip toeing around the house as to not set them off. 
After all- we know “nothing.” (Insert the sarcasm)

Since I’m now the expert I’ll give you my two cents:

It somehow works itself out.

And hire a college consultant so you don’t kill each other.

Best of luck and see you in June! 
