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Let's hear it for the squash!

Oldest has found a love of squash. Well, a like of it anyways. Roche Brothers brand to be specific. He licked his fingers like crazy last night before bed after continually dipping his hand into the container. Today I brought it for "Feeding school" and did amazing. (Amazing for a non eater isn't the same amazing as you and I may know but really...amazing!) We (because I'm in this with him) also ate a few bites of cheese and veggie stick WITHOUT A GAG! NO VOMIT! Again..AMAZING! The squash was the highlight as he finished his whole container that I packed for him. He is making great progress but let me clarify....
Firstly and foremost, to all of you with children who eat normally, I know you may not get my world, nor do I expect you to. I love the fact you ask about oldest progress and want to know all you can about how he is doing. I appreciate the support you give me day in and day out but know also that you can't really understand WHY he doesn't eat. I try to explain it this way...he never ate as an infant. The feeding/sucking thing is supposed to be instant, a natural thing. Jared couldn't do that because he was fighting so hard to stay alive and to breathe. He worked so hard just to breathe for so long that eating was secondary. He never took to a bottle and was tube fed from birth until approximately 6 months of age when we began TRYING solid food. He never really got it. His reflux was so bad as a baby that he vomited 5-6/day if not more. Trying to get him to eat was just not a priority at the time.
When he got his trach out at 19 months of age, we tried to start getting him to eat. Picture yourself not eating for 19 would have to re-learn how to do it because it had been so long. Well, Jared never learned so it was like starting fresh. Texture, taste, smell...this was all new to him. Feeding has never been something he enjoys. He doesn't get hungry nor does he care if he ever eats. He is tube fed with formula so he gets all of his nutrients that way. Eating has become a struggle now that he is 4 because he knows that if he tries, he really can do it but he is fearful of new tastes and textures. He will eat pureed food (mostly applesauce and puddings) with ease but chewing is a whole new phenomenon for him and we are so proud that he is actually learning to do this (thanks to the help of feeding therapist extrodinaire- who we have grown to rely on immensely).
So---when you ask how oldest is doing...know that I really do appreciate the thoughts but, most likely, I wont be telling you any time soon..he is doing great..eating McDonald's left and right! This takes time...years to be honest. It's a long road. Yet again, it has been from the beginning...but a road that I know we are lucky to have him moving ahead on. No looking back!
