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Where to begin?

I guess that most of you who are reading this already know me and my whole history of the past 4+ yrs so I wont get into too much but whoever said that g-d doesn't give you more than you can handle really hasn't been tested lately!
I'm tired. I have major pms right now and am tired of carting my child to therapy. I want normalcy. I want worries about suv vs minivans, who will take one son to soccer and the other to swim lessons, too many playdates, not enough time in the day.....
Well, I do not have enough time in the day but that's not from too many playdates. It's from juggling therapies. I was now told that youngest (26 mos) should go for a PT/OT eval bc he doesn't have great body awareness...I call this being a bull in a china shop. He is in the 97% for height and weight. He is a big boy who isn't very agile but who would be at the top of your percentile? I'm not too worried actually but honestly, do I need another therapist on my plate?
Youngest is in the height of his terrible two's. Everything is "ME DO" or "NO". I'm fortunate to have the honor of having his big brother go through this NO stage at the same time. How lucky for me. I hear no and now all day long. If I'm not fighting to get oldest to eat I'm arguing with him to sit on the potty. I'm actually resorting to saying things like "fine, you can be the only boy in school wearing diapers". I mean, really, does he get that???? And if he does, he clearly doesn't care. When I ask him if he wants that he says "Yes". GREAT!!
