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40 is the new 30

For real..this isn't a Harry Met Sally scene when she says she is turning 40 but it's really something like 8 years away. No, I'm really turning. This year. Next month to be exact.
I must have mentioned to my dear husband at least half a dozen times that if we weren't somewhere tropical for my birthday, without my children, that there could be a divorce in his future. So, we are off to the Atlantis in the Bahamas (smart man) Im counting the hours actually until I get to enjoy some r and r without having to cart oldest to therapy or to break up a fight between who's turn it is to play with the Diego rescue pack that we just purchased. I'm looking forward to closing my eyes on the beach with some kind of drink with an umbrella in it and reading a grown up adult book even if it may be considered a beach read and not bookclub material. Im really looking forward to sitting down at a restaurant and ordering something off a menu that doesnt end with the word nugget or begin with the letters MC.
And most of all, I'm looking forward to some alone adult time with my husband and not talking about the day of poops, vomits and tantrums
Gee, I hope we have something to talk about!!
