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Bahama Mama

3 days until I'm in the Bahamas, soaking in the sun and drinking cute drinks with umbrellas and maraschino cherries. I told my husband that I plan to plant my 40 year old tush in a lounge chair for 3 entire days and not move. When I think of 3 days it really doesn't seem like that much time but I know that it will be plenty..especially for someone who never goes on vacation. Heck, one day sounds like a great vacation right about now. Besides, as much as I want some r and r and adult time, I will miss my two boys like crazy.
I haven't lost the 10lbs that I vowed to lose by now, nor have I lost the 5lbs that I vowed to lose by now. I may have even gained one. Go figure. My pants from last summer are snug considering I was 6 lbs thinner last season (and a slave to the Jenny Craig cuisine) yet...I'm still smiling as I pack my tight clothes and a bathing suit (an article of clothing that I probably haven't been seen in in over 3 years) I smile because I know in 72 hours I will be flying first class (that's right first class baby! Hey, you only turn 40 once)I smile thinking about the sun on my face, a good beach read in hand, drink by my side, and no whining (yet amazing) children. I smile because I'm actually getting away...on a vacation!
I'll see you when I return...a fatter yet more relaxed, Bahama mama
