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Home again, home again

The Bahamas was all that I had hoped it to be. Relaxation, sun, good food, relaxation...oh wait, did I mention that twice? That's how good it was. We had a great time, only worry being what to eat next and where. Gained 3lbs to prove it. The boys were PERFECT according to my in laws which made the relaxation all the easier.
I bought one of those skirts for a bathing suit because, honestly, no one needs to see these thighs. I felt matronly but my comfort won over feeling 40. As I sat around the pool on day one I noticed other Mom's sporting the skirt suit...some way skinnier than me and not looking matronly. What do you know? I was in fashion! On the flip side, there were other women who clearly SHOULD HAVE been wearing the skirt thing...did they honestly look in the mirror before they went out and said I LOOK GREAT!???!!
Regardless, 4 days later and it felt like we never left. I was greeted this morning, Mother's Day (a holiday I truly cherish) to a hug from youngest and a snuggle from oldest. Then, the day carried on like....well, like we never left. NO to this. No to that. Whining here, screeching there.
Was I really so relaxed just...well, just yesterday?
See for yourself, yes, I was.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there. Most importantly, my own.


  1. Welcome home, other Abby (I'm the other Abby from Liz McCarthy's blog) and fortunately my kid (almost 2, or almost 20 months, depending on how you count her prematurity) is still napping sometimes (sorry that Jeremy has given this up!).

    Anyway, sounds like our kids have some stuff in common---twins who lost their twins; only eating purees; speech delays; vomit. Oh, you know, all the *typical* childhood stuff. We were lucky that we could get our micropreemie (23 weeker) off the vent with steroids and that her lungs are good, but the feeding thing/speech thing/follow up at Children's Hospital (ours in Philly), and speech therapy thing *is* draining. The upside, if there is one, is that I've met the coolest people in the world this way.

    In any event, just wanted to surf over and say hi.



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