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My baby is three!

I feel like an over-emotional mother today. My baby is three and I've cried on more than one occasion. I remember three years ago as if it was yesterday. Oldest was in the hospital with pneumonia and after 4 days, I was driving him home. That morning I felt like my water was breaking so before I went to get oldest, I ran to the OB who assured me I was fine. I knew better..driving home from Children's Hospital, stuck in traffic on the VFW Parkway, I called Dear Husband from my cell. Calmly I said, "I think my water broke". So, here I have a newly discharged 2 year old diagnosed with pneumonia and needing nebulizer treatments and oxygen all night long. Clearly, my parents were not up for this task. If Dear Husband stayed home, he would miss the birth of his second son. I got home and called the OB on call who obviously said I must come in to labor and delivery to get checked out. I was 35 weeks along and they would not stop labor if needed.
We immediately called our savior, Michelle. Michelle took care of oldest during his trached months at night so we could sleep occasionally and thankfully, she was available. My mother took me to the hospital while Dear Husband waited at home for Michelle to arrive. I felt secure knowing our trusted nurse was watching our, still sick, son and that my husband would be able to be with me for delivery.

The joy of a planned c-section is that there is no actual labor. The downside of your water breaking early is..well, labor! The doctors were still unsure my water had broken (how stupid does one need to be? I wasn't constantly peeing myself) and then labor set in. So, I was contracting, Dr's telling me they weren't sure I would be delivering and a sick child at home.
6 hours later, my beautiful son was born weighing in at 6lbs 7oz (imagine the size if I went full term?) It was a much different experience then when the twins were born, for obvious reasons. An hour later, Youngest was nursing on a bottle trying to increase his blood sugar. He only spent 24 hrs in the NICU and he came home 3 days later with me. No machinery, no oxygen, no tubes...just my healthy son and me.

So, I get teary eyed today for many reasons.
I'm so thankful for my two boys.
I'm thankful for youngest's health, his milestones that he accomplishes with general ease, for his strong willed personality, his gorgeous blue eyes and his loving nature.

Every day they drive me insane they are still a miraculous blessing.
Happy Birthday to my baby!


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