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Showing posts from January, 2009


I always wanted to be a SAHM (That's Stay at home Mom for those of you who work and have no idea what I'm referring to) Really, even back in my teenage years I never had a huge passion towards a career. I always loved people, was referred to as a "people person" so I majored in Psychology. Actually I majored in Education until the damned Statistics course got the better of me and I almost failed out..twice. So, changed to Psychology where I didn't need to endure Stats. I worked with psychologically disturbed kids for a while after graduating and loved it;albeit mentally draining. When I was fortunate enough to stay at home with my children, there was no doubt in my mind I would do it. I have to tell you...also, draining. I miss getting dressed. Sure I put on jeans and the occasional mascara but I miss actually putting on decent clothes, feeling good about myself as I got to wear the occasional skirt and high heels. I miss having a lunch hour. A whole hour for l

I got tagged

So I got tagged on facebook. This is very similar to the emails that I often get of naming things like your favorite smell and least favorite trait in a person. This Facebook thing "required" me to list 25 Random things about myself. Here they are in no particular order (for my one or two friends reading my blog who are NOT on Facebook) 1) I turned 40 this past May but dont feel it 2) I love to write and want to have something published someday 3)I dont mind being in the spotlight 4) I went through hell and back to conceive my children and even when they drive me insane I know how fortunate I am to be their mother 5) I met my husband on a blind date 6) I went to overnight summer camp for 13 yrs. Those summers are some of the fondest memories I have 7) I could eat ice cream and chocolate every day of my life 8) Im impatient and oh so stubborn 9) My first car was a VW Rabbit Deisel that I used to have to plug in during the Winter months so it would start up the next

I'm still SO tired

I figure I'll probably be tired until the boys turn 18 or I develop a bleeding ulcer and get to lay in a hospital bed for consecutive days..whichever comes first. I'm still not sleeping. I started ambien. One pill didn't work. Upped it to two. Works like a charm for 7 straight hours.. the problem? I'm supposed to wean myself so I dont get addicted. Umm, too late. I weaned..I don't sleep. I take one. I dont sleep. Days of exhaustion and bad moods set in so..I take two and so, the cycle continues. My DR told me to try melatonin. We'll give it a whirl. On top of that my vitamin D is low. She says I dont get enough sun. I laughed and asked if she thought Blue Cross would cover a trip to the Caribbean. We're putting our house on the market. Probably not the best time to sell but what a great time to buy and move up. It's been stressing me out (which is no shock since I'm a worrier by nature) and am A) Afraid we wont get any offers B)Afraid we will get

Happy New Year

What I've accomplished in 2008: managed 2 hrs a week of alone time while the boys are at school managed to actually get away with my husband lost 8 lbs only to gain it back...twice actually read and finished a few decent books What I hope to accomplish in 2009: increase my alone time increase my vacation time away with my husband lose 8 lbs and keep it off read more, sleep more, yell less, eat less