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I got tagged

So I got tagged on facebook. This is very similar to the emails that I often get of naming things like your favorite smell and least favorite trait in a person. This Facebook thing "required" me to list 25 Random things about myself.
Here they are in no particular order (for my one or two friends reading my blog who are NOT on Facebook)

1) I turned 40 this past May but dont feel it
2) I love to write and want to have something published someday
3)I dont mind being in the spotlight
4) I went through hell and back to conceive my children and even when they drive me insane I know how fortunate I am to be their mother
5) I met my husband on a blind date
6) I went to overnight summer camp for 13 yrs. Those summers are some of the fondest memories I have
7) I could eat ice cream and chocolate every day of my life
8) Im impatient and oh so stubborn
9) My first car was a VW Rabbit Deisel that I used to have to plug in during the Winter months so it would start up the next day
10) Im a real estate voyeur. I love to look up homes that are for sale, the cost, the way they are decorated..
11)I have my real estate license but have never used it
12) I've never played a game of Parcheesi
13) I've never eaten at Taco Bell
14) Even at 40, I'm still my Father's little girl and my Mother became one of my very best friends; in spite of us fighting during my teenage years
15) I met a wonderful group of women 6+ yrs ago online when I was going through IVF. I'm in touch with many of them today in spite of only having met 3 in real life
16) I've never lived outside the state of Massachusetts
17) I carried twin boys for 28weeks and lost Zachary after only living 7 hours. It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through
18)I'm a stronger person now having gone through all I have since having Jared. I've learned not to sweat the small stuff. I'm not sure I would be the same person I am today if not for my past 5 yrs of life
19) I havent slept a full nights sleep in I cant even tell you how long. Years
20) I'm amazed that when I flip through the TV that I still recognize characters from Days of our Lives
21) I cant believe that I used to start my nights out in college at 1030PM. I can now barely stay up until then
22) My boys are 3 and 5 and I still make sure they are breathing every night before I go to sleep
23) I dont eat shellfish
24) I admit to liking Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond
25) I cherish my friendships
