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Learning life lessons from my kids

So when I asked (incessantly) my 7 year old why he wasn't playing football with the other boys at recess he said he wanted to play on the swings instead.
"Mommy, if I dont care that I'm not playing with them, why do you?"

So there it was.
A kick in the gut.
My 7 year old was smarter than I was.
He was more secure with himself than I was.
He was confident enough to do what he wanted to do at recess-not conform to what everyone else was doing.

Lesson learned

What else have I learned from my brilliant, adorable, smart ass, funny, willful and exhausting boys?

It's fun to eat candy before 10AM sometimes.
It's okay to cry when you're afraid, unsure, scared or confused
Thunderstorms are sometimes scary
Sing at the top of your lungs if you want
Ask questions
Do as you wish not what others do
