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You have your health..your life isn't so bad so stop complaining.

Youngest made me want to pull my hair out yesterday.
Or was it the day before?
Oh wait, maybe it's all the days.

He is willful and spirited and adamant and persistent and exhausting.

And I lose my shit
and realize we are two peas in a pod at times.
And I realize I gotta stop losing my shit.

And I was so tired from arguing and punishing and lecturing
And then I came home and read a friends blog who is living with metastatic breast cancer.
And she talked about how she envies me. (well not me but the me's out there. The ones who are going on with their lives-day to day-living, breathing, enjoying)
And I was brought back down to humanity level.
I was reminded how precious life is.
How one day..seriously, it's just a blink of an eye, your life can be turned upside down.
And the hours of yelling at your youngest child may not be so important anymore. It may not exhaust you because...well, frankly, there are real problems going on.
Not the fact that he's fresh or often rude and negative.

So I was reminded..
that I'm here.
I'm living the life.
The life with a wonderful husband and two amazing kids.
And we're all healthy.
Give me money. fame, really doesn't matter. It's so cliche but honestly so true. I lost a child and I was close to losing another. I learned the hard way what really matters in life.

So I hope I can remind myself of this when I'm banging my head with a frying pan over my 8 year old son.
I hope I can remind myself that one day I will laugh about him aggravating me so.
Because, through the words of a friend, I realize how lucky and fortunate I am to be having these aggravating times.

Cancer really sucks.
