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Visiting Day

Visiting day circa 1977.

My first year at overnight camp.
I wore my matching aqua izod shirt and shorts.
I hated that outfit with a passion and wore it only once the entire 8 weeks.
Visiting day.
Because my Mom made me pack that god forsaken outfit and knew she would want me to be wearing it.
She also made me take tennis as an optional (now called elective. Why the change? Is elective a better choice of word than optional?)
I swore that I would never make my kid take an "elective" that he didn't want to take.
(Tennis is now part of a bunk daily schedule. I'm all for kids learning tennis. He will not, however, be the next Roger Federer )

We waited in our bunks like herds of cattle anticipating the blowing of the whistle.
Hundreds of children then ran down a paved road, screaming, looking for their parents.
I remember being so excited to see my my mom and dad that the tears flowed instantly.
I loved camp but I was 9 and the whole running down the road thing was very emotional.

We set up shop behind A and C (Arts and Crafts for you non camp peeps)
Fried Chicken (KFC of course), Store bought Brownies and  Coke were set up onto the picnic table while my parents unfolded the plastic woven lounge chairs so we could get a view of Sunset Lake.

They brought me loads of Betty and Veronica comics, the latest Norma Klein book, and  some fun dip. I showed off my clay pinch pot that I made in art, there was a designated "drama"  time so that a song from each show could be performed for the parents that were not allowed to come see the show.
(Yup. Back in the 1977 day the leads got to invite their parents up for the show. Talk about making the chorus (always me) feel like crap. )
I don't remember the lake being open for swim but that could be my memory escaping me and the fact that if it was open, I never wanted to go in.
By hour five parents were ready to hit the road. Hugs were had and station wagons everywhere drove off into the sunset for the next 4 weeks.

Visiting day circa 2019 starts at 9AM even though you aren't supposed to get there until 1030.

Parents drive in when they want to and spend the next hour searching the camp for their child.
This is because they are not being kept in the bunks awaiting the sacred whistle.
They are out and about waiting for the early parents to make their arrivals.
In fairness to circa 2019 visiting day, this is also the morning that the first month campers leave (excuse me, the first session campers, because first month is no longer a thing. 4 weeks is now 3 1/2 weeks. ) so they are out saying goodbye to their first session buddies.

What then happens is you run into David, Joey and Lisa  (not really, there are very few Lisa's at camp anymore) who have no idea where your kid is  and you circle around the camp for what seems to be; forever.
At some point your paths cross and if you are the mother of, hypothetically speaking, a kid like mine, you may get a brief hug. There is no running down the road screaming of excitement I can assure you that.
Comic books have been replaced by required summer reading books, KFC is now pizza, wings or insert paraphernalia food choice, and homemade chocolate chip cookies which Mom has been baking for weeks. (No store bought brownies for the circa 2019 child).

A and C is now located on the hill. No clay pinch pots- way more high tech now.
Plastic woven chairs are replaced by canvas ones with drink holders for your flavored seltzer.
The lake is open to play on the aqua glide thingamajig or take out a fun boat (or called something like that)( which is a fancy word I think for a canoe or kayak)

5 hours is now  7-8 where kids and parents alone wonder how to use up the day.
You are now allowed to leave camp.
There are hours where the place is deserted because families are off to the mall, Walmart, Target or off to find non kosher food.
Teens are seen walking around on their phones catching up on their group texts and "streaks" (I just learned what that means so I can sound all circa 2019)

By hour 6 (or if you're my kid, hour 3) your child is ready to kick you out of camp.
The 2019 camper is loaded up with gum, candy, and enough junk food to feed his/her 42 besties and counselors.
The SUV's are packed back up as they drive off into the sunset for the next 3 1/2 weeks.

Camp is double the expense but shorter the weeks.
But it's the same camp I knew and still love.

Even if I don't get to see my kid running down a road excited to see me.
