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Dog days of summer

This is it.
End of summer.
Honestly I start marking end of summer August 1st because it flies so quickly after that.

I've tried desperately to hold on to it but the calendar and father time are not playing well with others.
So here we have it
Almost September.

If you are a parent, you probably mark the start of the year in September like I do (January 1st as far as I'm concerned is just the beginning of the calendar)

So, new years is here.

Soon the yellow buses will be crowding our streets once again.

When my kids were little I wrote a piece for SCARY MOMMY and got reamed (I mean reamed) out by other parents who did not understand my native tongue of sarcasm.

I was hung out to dry by the perfect parents calling me an alcoholic when I talked about a need for a drink the day school let out.
Told I didn't deserve to have children by the perfect peeps when I said I was tired of listening to my kid say "mommy watch me" after the 100th time.

Thankfully my village appreciates my sarcasm and honesty (right?)

So oddly, my desperateness of wanting school to start has kind of disappeared.

Emphasis on the kind of.

I kind of am enjoying the laziness of summer with the kids.

Mostly because they do not demand as much attention anymore.
Mostly because they do not demand hardly any attention anymore.
Mostly because they do not WANT my attention anymore.

So that part is a little sad.

I'm kind of fun to hang out with and would kill for a good heart to heart but they are boys and I've learned this is not in the cards for me.
Just anyway; I hope.

So as much as I would like them to get off their phones a bit more
and as much as my thighs would like a bit less ice cream
and as much as I cannot stand the sand in my car (you know, Anal woman here..)

I have two boys in highschool now and as I've watched fellow Facebook friends post pics of their kids entering college I realize and understand fully that the "days are long but the years are short"


I will be missing the dog days of summer.

Although I'm not sure why they call them that,
 but I think my dog will be missing them too.
