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Sometimes I cannot believe I'm a grown up.
Like I am the person who makes medical decisions for my family.
I am the person who is in charge of the two younger humans in my household.


I realize I am 51 years old so this totally qualifies me as an adult but I don't often (read: ever) feel like one.

Except when I have a killer migraine (which I do) (and realize I should not be in front of a computer) (but I have things to say)
(like telling you about what led to my killer migraine)

So I awake early to bring Wilsey (our beloved 8 year old goldendoodle) to the vet for her surgery.
For those not following along my dog has cancer.
It's a bad title for a bad joke because of course my dog has cancer.
I get it twice so clearly it's going to keep on giving somehow.
They had thought it was a carcinoma but turns out it's sarcoma (for those fluent in the oncology world- sarcoma is worse in this case)
They had to amputate her toe and we are hoping it hasn't spread.
Game plan was to do a chest xray and if all looked okay, to amputate toe.
No news was good news.

I dropped her off and cried.
Because I'm a crier.
And because I love my dog.
And because, you know, cancer..

Then I came home to pick up oldest to bring him to the RMV.
I have a kid old enough to get a learners permit.
I am old enough to have a kid who is old enough to drive.
I am in charge of someone who is going to learn to drive.


I figure we will make it a win win trip and I decide to get the REAL ID thing.
(For those not watching the news ever, this is required as of 2020 if you ever want to fly again)
So I wait in line 8 while oldest is in line 14.
Problem is we both have the utility bill that we each need to show proof of residence.
I'm running back and forth between lines, signing paper work (because I'm the adult in charge of the kid under 18!) while smiling for the new license.
Did I like the picture?
I get a re-take if I want?
I decide not to re-take (I kinda looked good because they didn't get the double chin and no proof of the lower half. Win!)
I then panic as oldest walks into the room to take the test.

I failed my learners permit test the first time and never told a soul until I was 30 and didn't want him to follow in my footsteps.
Kid came out smiling so I knew were in.

I then had to come home to take youngest to tour highschool because we wont be around for the open house scheduled for next week.
Two highschoolers.

(You're following along, right?)

In between lunch and carting the two teenagers in for their annual physicals, vet calls.
I figured she was out of surgery and they were filling me in.
Because it had been hours since I dropped her off so no news was good news, right?

Lesions on her chest xray.
And that means what?
They didn't think it was mets (metastatic cancer - cancer that has spread) but not sure what the lesions were.
They went ahead with the game plan of amputating her toe (youngest has been floored that dogs have toes)
and now we wait.
For pathology.
Sadly, I know this drill all too well.

So for now I have a dog in the animal hospital healing from cancer surgery
youngest taller than his mother (and bragging taller than his older brother)
oldest at a pre season PATS game who is walking around with a card saying he can drive a car with an adult with him


I am off  to go crawl under the covers and watch a property brothers marathon.
