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Without fail

It never ceases to amaze me. I go food shopping weekly. Well, honestly, I go more than that but the big shop is weekly. Sundays to be exact. I pull into Star Market or Stop and Shop or wherever I choose this week and grab a cart. I start into the produce and then, it happens. I get the faulty cart. The cart that either has a squeaky wheel or worse..the cart that doesn't work and you look like a fool pushing it because it's so heavy and doesn't turn correctly. Yesterday I got that latter. I was too lazy to change it for another because my luck, I would get the squeaky wheel one this time. I had already loaded up with veggies and fruit and just didn't want to load it all up again. Half way through my shop I was cursing my decision. I was pushing it through the aisles, bumping into people who thought I had too much caffeine or something simply because I couldn't steer the thing.
I muddle through, choose a line and am waiting to unload the groceries. Naturally what happens? The woman in front of me chooses an item that has no price and needs to have someone go retrieve another one. 10 minutes goes by..still waiting...
and yes, without fail, I also always choose the wrong line!!
