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Lesson learned; beware of the hot beverage

Dear Husband and I were getting ready to attend curriculum night at oldest' school Thursday night. A first for us..not the curriculum night (although I suppose that, too, is a first) but the fact that we were both going to actually attend a meeting together. My parents came over to babysit. Mom asked for tea. Boys were in jammies, ready for a fun hour with grandma and grandpa before bed. We were all ready to go. Until....screams were heard. Retched screams. Youngest must have been reaching for something on the table (where I stupidly put the boiling hot cup of tea) and it spilled on him. I immediately went into panic mode while Dear Husband, thankfully had the sense of mind to bring him up into a cold bath. Oldest was crying..terrified of what just happened to his brother and I think even more scared that I told him we needed to leave to go to the hospital.
2 1/2 hrs later, 4 almost fainting spells (mine), 2 doses of morphine (youngest's) we left the ER covered with second degree burns on his left arm and a large portion of his stomach/side. I cant get the image out of my head. My baby lying on the floor screaming in such pain. It makes me wince every time I think about it (which has been about every 5 minutes for the past 2 1/2 days)
My new three year old son who was the bravest soul I know. He was and has been such a trooper..only crying during the dressing changes and always telling us to be careful of his arm. Reminding us, as if we needed to be reminded, that he has a "big boo boo".
It could've been worse, I keep convincing myself (to maybe take away all of the guilt I feel for stupidly putting the tea on the kitchen table..even if it was in the middle of the table) It could've been his face, his groin, the burns could have been more severe. I'm grateful for this. Really I am. But the guilt...I think will continually haunt me.
Another parenting lesson add to my list, my long list...
beware of the hot beverages. Better yet, just don't have them around.
