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One of THOSE days..

It's been one of those days (one of those months really, actually years, but that's a whole other entry)
For now, we'll stick with one of those days.
Everything that could go wrong did go wrong starting with spilling toothpaste on my shirt after getting dressed and spilling my milk from the cereal all over the floor.
Then it got into bigger stuff like arguing with my three year old over the fact he couldn't have McDonald's for lunch at 945AM and then spent 45 minutes trying to get oldest to eat 1/2 cup of Macaroni and Cheese (all pureed mind you) I'm really losing it these days. Everything is getting to me and little things are setting me off. Times are to get easier I was told..they aren't. I assure you. They are getting more and more challenging. On youngest's worst of days he is my EASY child. Oldest  is a love, dont get me wrong. He is endearing and adorable and sweet but he is also stubborn as hell (just like his mother) and challenging, oh, so challenging.
My two biggest obstacles to date are eating (or should we say lack there of) and potty training (again, lack there of) Yes, he is five. Need I remind all of you he is developmentally delayed. No one but me (and my mother who reminds me every so often that I just need to "Train him" ) isn't too concerned on the potty front. I've been told he wont walk down the aisle in diapers (and his feeding therapist also tells me the same for his feeding tube)yet there are many days, today being one, that I have doubts about that.
Did I mention how stubborn he is?
I think back to his days in the NICU and one of my favorite nurses,  told me that the stubborn ones survive. I'm thankful for that, really, but he could let up a bit now..he is five after all.
So I've done a lot of crying today (and a few other days) and am trying to remain level headed and sane but it's not easy sometimes. I get resentful of parents who have it easy and I'm often yelling at Jared for something that really isn't his fault. Oh, I also blame myself too...more often than probably I should
So, to sum's a self pity day. of THOSE days.
I'm going to go eat some ice cream.
