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Letter to my younger self

Dear Younger Self:

The cool kids wont always be cool.
No one will ask you or care about your SAT scores in your adult life
Sometimes your Mother really will be right. And even if she isn't, she will always be looking out for your best interest.
Keep practicing piano
Play a sport
Dont believe every line a guy feeds you
Dont believe any line a guy feeds you
Study hard
Someday your mother will be your best friend.
I know things are really hard and stressful sometimes. I know sometimes you feel you need to be accepted and sometimes you dont feel so great about yourself. That will change. You have more strength and courage and sense than you realize.

Your heart may feel broken now but you will love again. I promise.
Your prince charming is not the football star or the musician. He is the one who treats you well and cares about your well being. He is the one who respects you. Remember that word. It's an important one.

Things get better.
And things get harder.
Small kid= small problems
Big kid=bigger problems.

But you'll make it through because you have the fundamentals. You have the common sense and the love and the street smarts.

You'll be okay.
You'll be better than okay
