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The life of a stay at home Mom

I'm going to start lobbying that stay at home Mom's start accumulating sick days.
And vacation days

Youngest has given me a run for my money lately (or really no money bc let's remember, I dont get paid for this gig)
I never thought I'd be using words like fresh but here I am, sounding like my Mother and calling my five year old fresh.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..

He's doing things like saying "I hate you", spitting (well making raspberries with his tongue) and tantruming. I thought I was through with the terrible two's and three's. No one warned me about the fabulous feisty fives.

Oldest loves to be the good one during these times. He will often come up to me, looking for reassurance. "Am I being the good one today Mommy?". I dont like either of my kids to think they are not good so I often rephrase by saying he is being the better behaved one. Dear Husband will then come home from work and oldest will run to tell him about how badly behaved his younger brother has been.

Sibling rivalry at its finest.

Dear Husband is away on business for the night.
48 hours.
I dont complain as the guy travels for business once every two years; if that.
He rarely goes out for a "guys night" (which he clearly deserves) so my times as a single mom are few and far between.
Let's thank god for that.
By 730AM (3 hours after Dear Husband left for our nation's capital) youngest was already in his room on a time out.

Let's hear it for early bedtimes!
