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Six years with youngest

Tomorrow my youngest son turns six.

How did that happen?
They say the days are long and the years are short and I must say...
THEY are right.

Wasnt it just yesterday that I laid in labor and delivery with my mother (while dear husband was home trying to find a nurse to care for oldest son who just got discharged from Children's Hospital with pneumonia hours before?)
Wasnt it just hours ago that they told me "No, Mrs Stern. Your water did not break but yes you are having contractions"" (Really? The water leaking out of me is not amniotic fluid you imbeciles?)
Wasnt it just a few minutes ago that you entered the world? All 6lbs, 7oz of you with tiny blue eyes and a nose that took up most of your face? You had rolls upon rolls compared to your big brother at birth and you were healthy and a love from the start.

Oh my youngest child...
you bring me joy and laughter every single day.
you also make me want to rip my hair out but that's okay...(sometimes)
You are smart and clever, funny and outgoing, often thoughtful and stubborn, and so full of love.
You completed our family the day you were born and I cannot imagine our life without you

Happy Sixth Birthday!

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!"

— Dr. Seuss (Oh, the Places You'll Go!)
