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Goodnight my youngest child...go to bed

Oldest is eight and has never- I mean it, I dont think EVER, come out of bed once we close the door and say goodnight.
Sure he has gotten up to go to the bathroom but that's it.

Youngest hasnt ever, (hardly ever) gone to bed WITHOUT coming out of his room.
It goes something like this

My eye is itchy
I forgot to tell you I have a cut and need a bandaid
Im sniffling a lot.
And coughing a lot
Im a little wheezy
And did I tell you my eye is itchy?

I need to poop.
I forgot to tell you I needed to poop before bed but now I need to.
Ill try to hurry but since im in the bathroom anyways can I get a drink of water?
Im done pooping.

What smells downstairs? It smells good. Is that your dinner? What are you having?
Ok, goodnight.
Oh and Mommy, I forgot to tell you something that happened at school today.

Mommy. My eye itches
"Go to bed" dear husband tells him.
"Daddy, Im not talking to you!"  Did you hear me yell "Mommy" not "Daddy"
Mommy, Im still coughing a lot.

Upstairs I go and examine his cough and itchy eye.
Sure enough kid is wheezy and eye is red and somewhat swollen like.
Are we going to have medicine?
What kind? Bubble gum or Cherry? (I think my six year old is a childhood medicine addict. Kid loves medicine. As long as it's not grape)
I thought I needed medicine. I looked in the mirror and thought "hmm. My eye looks a little itchy I think"

Kid is a pain in the butt but cracks me up
