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Sports overload

Youngest plays with his BFF during recess. We'll call her Susie. Yes, his BFF is a girl.
A matter of fact,he has a few BFF's who are girls.
I find nothing wrong with this.
He is six.

I do find a problem that society has a problem with this.
Or maybe it's me thinking society has a problem with this.

The boys in his class are playing football or running around doing some kind of sport during recess.
Youngest and Susie make forts and castles and do some kind of imaginative play in the sandbox area.
Occasionally youngest plays on the swing or climbs the monkey bars.
He never involves himself in the football games.

Oldest is shy.
Very shy.
It wasnt until this year that he reached out and made a few friends. Which Im thrilled about.
Good kids.
Oldest is not very athletic.
Either is youngest.
Im sure they inherited this from their mother (although I do often blame dear husband that he wasnt outside on Saturdays playing catch with them. I then remind myself that instead of doing that we were doing family outings to museums, amusement parks, kid shows, etc. Im not saying Im mother of the year but am justifying the fact that my kids are unathletic.)

So whats my point?
My point is Im okay with this. They will find their niche. Theyre good at other things. No, they will never be captain of the Football team or a star soccer player. They may be a great writer, artist, musician, engineer, lawyer (okay, getting ahead of myself but you get my gist)
And Im okay with it

Until Im reminded that these kids are outside during recess playing football and are doing baseball and soccer and flag football on the weekends.
Until Im asked so what is your kid doing after school or on the weekends?
I respond that Im still busy with speech therapy and occupational therapy for oldest and when he does have free time he is doing cub scouts or play dates. Youngest is busy with a crafts class and wants to act in shows. Im sure no one was making fun of George Clooney when he wanted to act as a kid!

Am I defending my sons?
And why do I feel like I have to? Am I making myself feel this way or is society making me feel this way? Im sure a little of both. Thrown in with some Jewish guilt along the way.

I know my boys will be fine in life even if they dont like to play football at recess.
There are plenty of successful men out there who didnt play organized sports as a kid.
But all I want; as a mother, is for my kids to feel good about themselves.
To have self confidence.
To have friends.
To be happy.

And does that need to include some kind of sporting ball?
I dont think so.
So let my six year old play with Susie and let my eight year old swing on a swing.
Theyre kids.
And theyre happy
