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I will always love you (Not the Whitney Houston version)

I will always love you my sons
but I dont always like you

Oh please, dont be shocked
you're all feeling it too.

So when you..
come out of bed for the third time telling me you need to poop

 hit your brother

sneak an extra snack
and then lie right to my face that you didn't

when you complain about the food put in front of you
and then beg for a dessert

when you whine
and whine
and whine..

 you rip your pants for the 5th time in one month

and you say no to everything I ask you to do

and you pee on the floor and miss the toilet because youre too busy looking elsewhere

when you sit on the couch instead of playing outside after I beg you to

when you whine (oh did I mention that again?)

when you dont share with your brother
when you wont play with your brother
when you scream at your brother

I may not like you at that moment
and I will not like your behavior

BUT I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS still love you.
