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Thoughts for Thursday

I cant believe when I re-read my earlier posts that my youngest child's behavior, at two, really hasn't changed any.
Still talks incessantly, whines when he doesn't get his own way and is stubborn as a mule.
Yup-kid's just like his mom!

Grey's Anatomy is coming to the seasons end. What do I have to look forward to now?
And did I really just write this?

I fear I may never vacation without my kids again until they're in college

I finally got to the stage where I can enter the bathroom by myself.
And then I got a dog

I would love to live in a state where I could wear flip flops all day long-
yet each summer I complain how much my feet hurt from plantar fascitis.

I am seriously an ad for a walking medical mess at the age of 45.
Yup- just turned 45.
5 years til 50.

Let's hope by then my sons behavior improves and I finally lose 10lbs that Ive been bitching about since he was born.
