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I wish

I wish I had more patience

When I lose my cool with my kids because they're losing their cool- I have to stop for a minute and think..okay, clearly hereditary crap is going on here! We are easily frustrated, quick tempered and an impulsive group.
I'm not proud of passing this on to my kids.

Although oldest's short 10 years of life has taught me not to sweat the small stuff (and I really dont. Dirty pants, holes in the jeans, drank a soda for lunch, ate two desserts..I'm not too crazy) but I still find myself blowing up over things.

So I wish I had more patience.
And the ability to think before I scream
And I wish I didn't pass on that great quality to my youngest.
I wish I had impulse control and could stay away from licking the bowl of raw cookie dough (did I say licking? I meanth, inhaling by the spoonful)

I wish I could sing
And dance well
I wish I could make a living on writing or baking
I wish I could stop drinking diet coke
I wish I could stay up past 10pm and sleep for longer than 3 hours in a row

But mostly; I wish I had more patience.
Because I'm guilt ridden every night I go to bed if I yelled at my kids that day.
And let's face it.
I'm not perfect mother so I yell- sometimes-
oh, and I nag.
And then I nag dear husband because he's nagging the boys.
And it's a viscious cycle.
It's ugly.

and I wish I understood my kids math homework.
