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All I really need to know I learned from cancer

Radiation makes your body look like a patchwork quilt

Nose hairs really are necessary

Losing your eyebrows is worse than losing your hair

Losing your leg hair and under arm hair doesn't suck

Stop and breathe once in a while

Faitgue is totally a real thing

People can be really really thoughtful

Do self breast exams- #Selfiessavelives

KNOW your own body

Chocolate really is the key to happiness (This I knew pre breast cancer but it always important to add to any list)

Radiation is no walk in the park.  It's a walk compared to chemo but certainly not a leisurely stroll.

Take naps whenever possible. It's good for the soul

Cancer makes you see things differently -no matter what your outcome

Not having breasts doesnt make you any less of a woman- it's in your heart which makes you you.

All humility or vanity I ever had went out the window

Just be kind- always (another not new lesson but worth mentioning at any time)

Have yourself a good cry and laugh often

Cut yourself some slack- you are doing the best you can

People are always nice to the woman in the scarf

Don't put off. This is a big one. Life can change an in instant. Dont stay in a job that makes you miserable or be friends with someone who makes you question yourself as a person. Life is short. Prioritize.

Say I love you. And often.

We ALL have an inner strength

Being cancer girl has sucked and been positively life changing all at the same time

Having a village is imperative (And my village is amazing)
