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A new decade

7 weeks to 50.
I'm way better than I was when I was turning 30.
That was spent crying at a spa with my mother.
I spent my 30th with my mother.
Not that I dont love my mom.
I do.
But you know, single and upset that I wasnt in love spending ; 30 with your Mom isnt exactly uplifting.
Plus the massage person "performed" Reiki on me, which in my opinion, is a crock.
Waving hands over my body is supposed to heal me? Unless you plan to unroll my 100 knots in my shoulder through osmosis, I say no thank you Reiki person.

40 was way better.
I had my husband by my side and two adorable boys who didn't know how to roll their eyes at me yet.
They loved snuggling with their mommy and I felt good about where I was in life.
I had two breasts and I could read a food label without glasses.

But you know, then the 40's sucked.
Shoulder surgeries, cancer, cancer (yea, that's not a typo for those of you new here), reading glasses, knees that make noise when you bend, squat, rise,  and sit.
More gray hair.
Less hair (I will never stop cursing chemo)
Tween boys
I lost my Dad
There was a lot of good thrown in there but not so sad to say goodbye to this decade.
But that means hello to a new one.


But then I learn of someone's age while watching the Today Show or Wheel of Fortune and I'm like, hmm, I look way younger than she does.
High Five to myself.

We spent Friday night here at a very low key, small, Passover seder consisting of all the Passover fixings.  While the Christians prepared Easter baskets filled with eggs filled with money and jellybeans my kid was delighted in the chocolate covered matzah. Clearly the jews got gipped in the food department in the Spring holiday but let's rejoice with some flattened crackers while you get your sugar high.

We then spent the weekend picking up twigs and sticks.
Damned you New England Windy Winter.
We have 13 bags of branches and could easily fill another...
oh I dont know..

And let's just also say I'm glad April 1st only comes once a year.
Youngest spent the day marking my shower soap with an april fools day message in pen, jumped out of a box, hid DH's slipper,  and yes, even moved the dog bed deciding our poor girl needs to get in on the practical jokes.
The thrill of tweendom.

That being said,
we did go searching for patio furniture.
Well hello lounge chair.
I sure did miss you.

