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Moving on

Im moving on.
Seriously; no more feeling sorry for myself.
Unless another damned shoe drops.
Or I continue not to be able to sleep.
Or I cant lose any more weight.
But after that, no more.

An 85 year old woman completed the Boston Marathon yesterday.
I am not the only one who sat on the couch watching the runners get soaked to the core and still, STILL persevere.
There were victims from the bombing, they lost limbs, who were now in wheelchairs completing the race.
Runners who had been running the day of the bombing 5 years ago and continue to go back in spite of the tragic day.
People raising money for cancer charities, veterans, MR8, Children's Hospital, the list goes on and on.
A 3 times cancer survivor who went home mid race due to the unbearable conditions and no one would blame her. No one would think twice that she couldn't finish the race. Healthy or not. But no, the woman warmed up and got back out there, to complete the marathon at 1:00 AM.
THAT. THAT is #Bostonstrong

1:00 AM people!
(Yea, okay I was up because Im queen of insomnia but the rest of the city was probably asleep) (Unless you're young and in your 20's and maybe you were out with a drink in hand)
(But those of you in your 20's with drink in hand probably aren't reading about my life with eye rolling teens and cancer)

And can I say again, an 85 year old woman?

I don't run to my mailbox.

No more!
New decade. New leaf.

I am doing well.

Hair growing (Annoyingly slow and not to my liking but that's hair nor there. Get it? See. Screw you cancer. You can't take my sense of humor.)

Scars healing (itchy road map but ..okay, yup, I said moving on)

Can you even fathom?

So yup.
Moving on.
No more complaining.
No more feeling sorry for myself.
No more getting mad at the eye rollers.

Hmm. Not sure what else I will blog about.
So maybe just moving on...for today.
