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I couldn't sleep the other night (shocker)
DH was snoring.
I checked the alarm three times (you should know by now I'm terrified of a home invasion)
I walked up and down the stairs and peed 10 times before I decided to move my non sleeping self into the guest room for a change of scenery.

The pillows aren't as good in there but I was too lazy to walk the 10 steps to get my own pillow.
I did, however, bring my body pillow with me.
(Because it's been 15 +years and am convinced my poor husband will always have to sleep with this thing in between us. )

In the guest room is my favorite piece of furniture.

It is a wooden standing oval mirror that my Mom bought me when I was a teen.
I will never part with it (and it saddens me there's no good spot in my own bedroom for it)

I decided 2AM was a perfect time to start thinking about my teen years.

And how I graduating from Loves Baby Soft to Jean-nate bath splash to Anais Anais was like a coming of age.

My soap had to be the blue COAST bar and I went from wanting to be a Breck girl to needing to wash my hair with Body on Tap( because it was the IT shampoo once we all learned it was made from beer. )

My 80's screamed bunchy socks, tapering my jeans at the ankle with the infamous folding and tucking,  permed hair,  and the yellow banana phone where I spent hours on end talking to either my friend H or my boyfriend. 
(Thank goodness H lived local but the boyfriend was a "toll call")

Toll calls.
Another thing our kids will never know the struggle about.

That along with:  long tangled phone cords, rushing to get film developed at one hour photo, Columbia House cassette club,  phone books, renting videos,  passing notes (and making them into triangles), fly button jeans, perms, making mixed tapes, waiting for a snow day to be announced on the radio,  using pencils to fix your broken cassettes,  scratched records from the needle on the record player, walkmans,  Saturday morning cartoons,  playing PONG on your Atari, hanging up the phone when the mother of your school crush answered the phone,  hiding FOREVER by Judy Blume so your Mom doesnt know you're reading it, knowing all the words to Paradise by the Dashboard Light,  watching MTV,  cardboard gum in your Wacky Pack, heart and whale and rainbow belts,  trapper keepers, using white out on our typewritten college applications, rolling down our windows,

and lastly

they will never know the struggle of needing a dime to make a phone call.

This is what a night of not being able to sleep looks like for me.

Anything to add?
