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40 things I learned in 51 years because 51 things is too many

1) Be who you are meant to be. (sounds so simple yet took me years to achieve)
2) You actually do get over your first broken heart
3)Raise your hand. Ask questions. Speak out
4)Ruminating gets you nowhere (except a prescription  for Ativan)
5) (Stolen from an article. Too good not to add to my list ) "If you're in a conversation and you're not asking questions then it's not a conversation. It's a monologue"
6) Trust your gut. It's usually correct.
7) Going with the cheaper option is not always wise
8) Laugh daily
9) Anxiety is no joke. Panic attacks are real- it is NOT in your head and "just relax" is not a form of comfort.
10) Say I love you. Often. (But you know, only to those you love)
11) Love fiercely
12) Give positive feedback. Compliment. It will make you both feel good
13) Speak out if things are wrong. It can't change unless you voice what's wrong in the first place
14) Staying home on a Saturday night in your pj's is not wrong.
15) Your kids are always watching and listening. Remember that. 
16) I can never watch too much Law and Order
17) Push out of your comfort zone every once in a while. It may surprise you.
18) You are a badass 
19) Bad things happen to really good people. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Reminder #11. 
20) If you grew up in the 80's we all called 867-5309 at least once 
21) Apologize if you screwed up
22) Hearing you have cancer makes you throw up
23) Hearing you have cancer a second time puts you into a panic attack
24) Chemo brain is very real
25) So are hot flashes
26)  Sing out loud in the car and  don't care who sees you
27) And I dont care that I'm tone deaf
28) I love a vacation but it's always great to sleep in your own bed
29) I am shocked that I'm probably the same age as Jim and Cindy Walsh. They seemed so old (And I am not old!) 
30) RIP Dylan McKay
31)  Look people in the eye
32) Listen to people to actually HEAR what they are saying
33) Switch from liquid to PODS
34) My mother was wrong. I wasn't some day happy that I registered for china
35) The beach is my happy place
36) Jeans became my enemy and it makes me really sad
37) Thank you leggings
38)Strive for progress. Not perfection
39) Which is why I'm trying to learn not to beat myself up all the time. 
40) "Someone said I don't know how you do it.  I said "I wasn't given a choice"

